Sunday, April 24, 2011

I Know God's Will For You...!

Recently, I heard a radio preacher say, "I don't know what God's will is for you!"
Instantly, in my spirit, I responded out loud, "I do! I know God's will for you!"  I know because His will is the same for all of us...

It's so very common to ask the question.  People who love God want to know: "God, What is your will for me?" "What is your plan for my life?"  ...and while it's very obvious that we don't all have the same function or the same ministry, what God wants from us is primarily the same.

GOD'S WILL FOR YOU - is for you to take the time to get to know him better! establish a relationship with Him through Bible study and prayer so that you are able to hear His voice!

Scripture tells us, "Be still and know that I am God."  Our pellmell lifestyle is not conducive to hearing God.
He also says, "My sheep hear my voice." 
God's will for you?  STOP - Spend time alone with Him.  He wants a relationship with you, more than He wants service from you!  Service will follow, but, first things first!
Get to know Him!  Get so close to Him, that when He speaks, You don't miss it!

This is AuThor

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